Monday, 5 May 2008

Types of Solar Power

I really love the idea of using solar power much more in the home. I keep seeing reports on the news about how people are starting due to cash crops such as sugarbeet and palm plantaions. The reason they are starving is because these crops are being grown instead of food that people can actually eat to survive. Also, rain forests of Asia are being pulled down and burnt so that the ground can be prepared for these crops. The result is the CO2 emmisions are generated at an alarming rate. So much for bio fuel and bio ethanol being the answer to all our pollution and oil addiction.

If we all get ourselves more solar panels, wind power and also geothermal we can greatly reduce or even eliminate the need we have to use all the electricity and gas from traditional means. We can turn our homes into our very own power stations. Off grid living is what some people call it. There are many different types of solar powered products you can buy such as landscape lighting, attic vents and security lighting. There are even panels that you can place on your roof that allows you to power your home or heat your water.

Hopefully nuclear power, coal and oil will be of the past and we'll turn to alternative fuel sources which genuiunely are environmentally friendly.

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